Students who do not pay fees by the payment deadline may be dropped for nonpayment. The college may also drop students for nonattendance at the request of the course instructor. Reinstatement may be granted only with instructor approval.
Drop for Nonpayment
If you fail to pay your tuition and fees by the fee payment deadline, you may be dropped for nonpayment. There is no reinstatement process for a course that is dropped due to nonpayment. If space is available, you may re-enroll in your originally scheduled course or you may enroll in a different course.
Drop for Nonattendance
By the end of the first week of the semester (prorated for courses less than 7 weeks in length), students who have not attended at least one session of a course in which they are enrolled may be dropped from that course for non-attendance.
Students enrolled in distance learning courses may be dropped, if they do not fulfill the initial attendance/participation requirements established in the course syllabus.
Attendance Requirements:
- 7 weeks or longer courses – must attend at least once in first calendar week that the class meets.
- 4-6 week courses – must attend at least once in first three calendar days of the week the class begins or the first day of class if it is not scheduled to meet the first three calendar days of the week.
- 3 week or shorter courses – must attend the first day of class.
- Students enrolled in distance learning (i.e., online) courses will be administratively dropped, with full reimbursement or forgiveness of tuition and fees, if they do not fulfill the initial attendance/participation requirements by the first calendar week that a course begins (or the prorated equivalent for courses less than seven weeks as shown above) as established by the faculty member in the course syllabus.
Students should not rely on being dropped for nonattendance as a way to withdraw from a course. If you enroll in a course and decide not to attend, be sure to drop the course from your schedule either online through My赌钱app可以微信提现 or in the Success Center. To view deadline dates for dropping classes with a refund, refer to dropping credit classes.
Reinstatement After Drop for Nonattendance
If you have been dropped for nonattendance and wish to request reinstatement refer to the email you received for instructions on how to do so. For additional assistance contact the Student Success Center at (913) 469-3803 or
Extenuating Circumstances
If you are under obligation to participate in jury duty, a generally recognized religious observance, required military duty or activities where you are required to represent the college, you must give written notice to the instructor at least one week in advance of the observance. Questions regarding a recognized religious observance or obligation should be directed to the Dean of Student Success and Engagement.
When granted the extenuating circumstance, you will be given the opportunity to independently make up course work for the day(s) the event was scheduled and take a scheduled exam at an alternate time determined by the instructor. Failure to provide timely written notice may result in loss of this opportunity. The instructor is not obligated to repeat any lab or other in-class experiences you miss while absent. You should be aware that the quality of your learning experience may suffer as a result of your absence.
For all other absences, authorization of excuse is within the authority of the faculty member. If you receive benefits from a governmental agency, you must follow any policy the specific agency stipulates.